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Privacy Statement

At OceanRoads GmbH, we take your privacy seriously. We follow a strict data protection policy designed to safeguard your privacy because we know that you rely on us to act responsibly with the personal information you disclose to us. You can visit our website at any time and view non-secure areas without disclosing any personal information. In these cases, the only information we store is the IP address your computer sends us plus related information. Read on to find out more about our privacy policy.

What sorts of information does OceanRoads GmbH? How does it use this information?
In some cases we will ask you to voluntarily disclose personal information. Usually, this happens when you request information relating to our company. If you instruct us not to use your personal information for the purpose of contacting you, we will respect your wishes and remove your details from our filing system (this is your right of objection/ Widerspruchsrecht). You can exercise your right of objection by email or letter to the our given address in the impressum.

OceanRoads GmbH  is committed to the continuous improvement of its website content and unctionality. We therefore collect data on your behaviour and website usage in order to improve the design and layout of our website and provide you with a more optimised browsing experience. In some cases we also perform statistical analysis of anonymous, aggregated data to determine general user characteristics and behaviour patterns. This helps us optimize the quality of our website and online services.